Every year I try to come up with something new and fun for Mishloach Manot, for Purim. Last year, I made caramel apples, and did a whole clown theme. This year I’m making Chinese food. If I’m making Chinese food, what could be more fun than fortune cookies? Like my hamatashen, this recipe didn’t come easily to me. After a few trials and errors this is the final product.

- Yield: 20
- Prep Time: 10 minutes
- Cook Time: 10 minutes
Fortune Cookies
Have your kids write the fortunes for you.
- flour - 1/2 cup
- sugar - 1/3 cup, plus 2 tablespoons
- water - 1/3 cup
- oil - 3 tablespoons
- almond extract - 1 teaspoon (can use vanilla if allergic to almonds)
- salt - 1/2 teaspoon
- Mix ingredients together.
- Heat oven to 350 degrees.
- Pour tablespoon fulls of batter and spread to round circles, about 2 inches in diameter. (Only make 2-3 at a time)
- Bake for 8-10 minutes, or until edges start to brown.
- Lift cookies with spatula, place fortune in center and gently fold in half.
- Lean bottom center on edge of bowl to bring points down.
- Cool in muffin tin until hardened.
You need to make only a couple at a time because they harden pretty quickly once they are out of the oven. If you make too many, you’ll be left with a bunch of hard cookies that will still taste good, but there will be no way to stick in a fortune.
These little suckers are going to accompany fried rice and vegetable stir fry made with seitan. My daughter wants to decorate more cupcakes, so we’ll be sticking some of those in too. I know, it breaks the theme, but I don’t think anyone will really mind.
I like to make whole meals for Mishloach Manot. Most people give cake and cookies, and other types of junk food, but I like to make a meal. BV (before vegan) my favorite Mishloach Manot that we would get was a pizza pie from our neighbors. It was just what we needed to energize us while putting together our own Mishloach Manot. Giving hot food that people can eat immediately makes me happy. If I can show people interesting vegan food, even better.
Happy Purim!
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